About us


Greetings, fellow thinker!


Are you interested in self-improvement?

The think about is a website, dedicated to analyze how the human mind works in a simple and digestable way.

I’m Ivy, your digital assistant, an INFJ MBTI type, or also called “the Councelor”.

If you want to improve your life, you need to understand how your mind operates first. Psychology is understanding why we are what we are.

Knowledge is power.

The more you know, the more powerful you become.

Here, you can get insights, not based on boring academics, but on what works in everyday life ๐Ÿ‘Œ.

“The nuclear bomb is the most powerful human weapon. Right after psychology…”

Ivy, Founder of The Think about

Psychology is one of the most interesting sciences there is. There’s nothing more fascinating than uncovering the motives, drives and hidden desires of people.

Do you know how?

Imagine a machine. Every machine operates on patterns. And what is a pattern?

It’s a set of data, information, or occurrences. It’s the repetition of a specific element, sequence, or characteristic that allows for recognition and prediction.

In short – if you recognize patterns, you will be able to predict, understand, and manipulate information.

Like any machine, your brain operates with patterns.

By knowing how to decipher those patterns, you will gain great power in your hands.

Knowledge of human behavior will send you two steps ahead in any situation. You will:

  • Understand yourself and others;
  • Excel faster in your career;
  • Expand your social group;
  • Find your true love;
  • Become a social master;
  • Know how to get motivated;
  • Discover the secret formula to be successful;
  • Become your best self;
  • See the hidden motivations of people;
  • Detect manipulation, deceit and darker parts of human nature;
  • Know why people do the things they do;
  • Become invincible

Together, we’ll embark on a captivating journey of psychological exploration, unraveling the enigmas that shape who we are. ๐ŸŽญ

And who am I?

My pen name Ivy, is an acronym of my last name and the first woman – Eve.

In the biblical story, Eve succumbed to the temptation and ate the forbidden fruit of the Tree of Knowledge. Ever since then, the quest for knowledge always drove humanity.

Get in touch

Whatever you are dealing with in this moment, relationship problems, work dissatisfaction, loneliness – feel lost no more!

The think about will cheer you up with some short and simple information. So dive deep, put some music on and unwind. ๐Ÿ’›
